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PG&E: Worker saw flames before Camp Fire began
PG&E Crews Report Seeing Flames When Camp Fire Sparked
California Wildfire: New audio reveals PG&E worker saying a fallen tree started the Dixie Fire
PG&E worker plans to testify about start of Dixie Fire
PG&E Disputes Report That It Ignored Warning Signs Before Camp Fire
At Camp Fire's Origin: More Flames And A Secured Investigation Scene
PG&E Reports 2nd Transmission Line Incident Near Start of Deadly Camp Fire
Cal Fire: PG&E responsible for Camp Fire
PG&E shares plummet after company discloses ‘electric incident’ just before California wildfires
PG&E Could Face Serious Criminal Charges In Wake Of Deadly Camp Fire
PG&E takes wildfire victim's rebuilding supplies
California Wildfires: PG&E employee to testify on suspected cause of Dixie Fire